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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Modern Computer and Hardware

Computer is a device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information. Modern Computer and Hardware 

Your PC (Personal Computer) is a system, consisting of many components. Some of those components, like Windows XP, Windows7, Windows 8 and all your other programs, are software. The stuff you can actually see and touch, and would likely break if you threw it out a fifth-story window, is hardware.

A computer is a technique or means, a plan or scheme, especially a malign one that accepts information and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed. Complex computers also include the means for storing data for some necessary duration. A program may be invariable and built into the computer or different programs may be provided to the computer Today's computers have both kinds of programming.

Modern computers inherently follow the ideas of the stored program laid out by John von Neumann in 1945. Essentially, the program is read by the computer one instruction at a time, an operation is performed, and the computer then reads in the next instruction, and so on. Recently, computers and programs have been devised that allow multiple programs to work on the same problem at the same time in parallel. With the advent of the Internet and higher bandwidth data transmission, programs and data that are part of the same overall project can be distributed over a network and embody the Sun Microsystems slogan: "The network is the computer."

Computer Modern is the family of typefaces used by default by the typesetting program Tax. It was created by Donald Knuth with his METAFONT program, and was most recently updated in 1992.

As implied by the name, Computer Modern is a modern font. Modern, or "Didone", fonts have high contrast between thick and thin elements, and their axis of "stress" or thickening is perfectly vertical. Computer Modern, specifically, is based on Monotype Modern 8a, and like its immediate model it has a large x-height relative to the length of ascenders and descanters.

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